The industry in meteorology, the weather is always great appeal with American students for the exciting, satisfying enthusiasts learn naturally and bring higher wage job opportunities.
The weather forecast is getting more attention every day. Thus, scientists are always working to improve the accuracy of weather forecast operations, through technology development and personnel training emphasis.
In America, the meteorology is rated as one of the most exciting industry. The main content of the industry focused research on pedology, atmospheric pressure, the formation of clouds and weather forecast. Students learn what factors caused the weather phenomena such as storms, tornadoes.They also learn to observe clouds to predict weather changes direction.
Always natural variability thus must also change. This makes meteorology is not boring and always have the suction power with the young.
The University of Pennsylvania, Usa, is considered one of the most ideal for the school you are passionate and want to find out about the weather.
The school has a teaching staff of reputation in the field of meteorology and atmospheric sciences.They make up a solid reputation along these tremendous achievements in teaching, as well as research.
Students who want to have the certification of specialized weather forecasts need to complete 4 courses with a total of 12 credits.
Tag METEO 101 helps students learn the basic information about the weather forecast. The content studies focus the basic principle in meteorology, satellite images and radar data analysis, forecasting the weather. This course takes place in the spring, summer and fall semesters.
Tag METEO 241, also called overview of tropical weather forecast, student guide the application of principles of the atmosphere to the weather forecast for the region in the tropical climate, including the process of development, the structure, the anticipation and the extent of the destruction of the storm. The course started on summer and semester.

With 361 students, METEO key learn the principles of the weather forecast. Based on conditions in the United States, the content of lectures focused on the method of detecting, predicting the formation of large storms. The course is held in the spring and summer semesters.
Tag METEO 410 includes enhanced content about the weather forecast. Students learn the high professional theme, using advanced technical equipment. To participate in this course, students must complete the courses 101, 241, and METEO METEO METEO 361. METEO 410 begins in the spring and autumn semester.
Students need to complete 4 courses with a minimum score of C to be issued a certificate.
Those who apply the industry, specialized weather forecasts often love to learn, predictions about nature or occupation, hobby is closely related to weather elements. Many people use by, a certificate for professional job search.
The students must have graduated from high school or have a Diploma Supplement (GED).Admissions Committee does not set out specific requirements about Math or physics but because this is the study relevant calculations should students should create a firm foundation in science, mathematics and computer science from middle school. Those who complete the course of analysis, programmers will have more advantage in admissions process.
After graduation, students can apply to government agencies, industrial and consulting business, the military, the tv or the University.
At present, more than 3,400 industry meteorology alumni of the University of Pennsylvania working for agencies, prestigious organization.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for meteorologists in the country was 89,260 USD a year. Only 10% of the Alumni get salaries under $ 49,120, while 10% of the salary received on 134,730 USD.
The average wage for the industry of meteorology alumni working in government agencies, the military is 97,710 USD a year. The people in charge of weather forecast category at the tv station, radio also receive salaries of about $ 82,360.