10 best University in the world in 2016

Organization World University Rankings recently announced the rankings of the best universities the world in 2016 according to the eight criteria. Harvard University continues to rank first place.

Harvard University topped the charts this year. The school ranked first in the education quality criterion, the proportion of employed alumni, Faculty quality, number of published, reliable, rate quotes, of influence abroad and ranks the third in the number of patents.

The second is the University of Stanford, Usa. The school ranked second in the percentage of employed alumni and faculty quality but only ranked 9th on the quality of education.

Massachusetts Institute of technology led to the number of the patent, the second education quality, prestige, the amount quoted, the level of influence abroad. However, the school only ranked 12th on the rate of alumni work and ranked third on the overall standings.

The University of Cambridge is one of two schools He's entered the list of the 10 best schools in the world by 2016 World University Rankings. The third field about the quality of education but only ranked 45 in number of patents.

University of Oxford (uk) fifth on the rankings. In the quality of education, the number of publishing, the quality of teaching staff, the school ranked 7, respectively, 6 and 10.

With the patent number, the percentage of employed alumni, Faculty quality in turn 2, 6, 9, of Columbia University, United States of America to stand Friday on the General rankings. This private University is good schools Wednesday in the United States.

The University of California in Berkeley, ranked seventh on the American charts of World University Rankings when the turn debuted at 4, 5, 6 in at the prestigious, quality criteria, quality of education, but only ranked 21 on the rate of Alumni employed and the number of patents.

In this year's rankings, the University of Chicago, United States of America stands eighth. The University also ranked eight on faculty quality but only ranked 83 in number of patents.

Number nine is Princeton University, United States of America. According to the reviews of the World University Rankings, the private school is ranked fourth in the world for the quality of education and the quality of faculty. However, the number of patents, Princeton is only ranked 109 among 1,000 universities are evaluated.

Stand last in the list of the 10 best universities in the world in 2016 is Yale University, United States of America. The school ranked six on the eighth and reputation for quality education.
