Australia was in the best country in the world has the ideal environment for learning, living and working. To become international students to Australia, you have to go through multiple steps to learn and prepare thoroughly, from the selection of the program, the appropriate field to the other related work such as preparing English, accommodation, visa and admission records.
Coffee Talk "share the secret of academic IELTS and experience studying in Australia" will give students and parents a comprehensive look and details of the study at the 4 largest cities in Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide.
Clearly the will look forward to going to school to be thorough preparation would be a plus point for your visa records.
The importance of studying IELTS Australia
With the higher IELTS score, you more easily be successful selection, as well as visa procedures your study also completed more quickly. Requirements of the University in Australia in General and University of Torrens would be:
For University, College, apprenticeship: IELTS 5.0-5.5 (no band less than 5.0).
College students: IELTS 6.0-6.5 (no band less than 6.0).
Masters, PhD and research: IELTS 7.5-6.5 (no band less than 6.5).

Maximum class size of 30 who facilitate students to interact and be taught better.
University of Torrens
The University has campuses in Torrens 4 largest cities in Australia include Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane. With the advantage, the school was the University does not require proof of finance for Australian Embassy in Vietnam. It is also the school has the best academic fees compared to the common ground in the country kangaroo.
Training fields of the University of the Torrens including: business management, event management, finance, accounting, Marketing (advertising) and Public Relations (PR). Besides, Torrens also specialized training on health and design (graphics, multimedia communications, Interior, fashion).