How to Manage Your Ticketing Tool with a CRM

Customer retention is strongly influenced by the after-sales care customers receive. In certain brand interactions, customers feel cheated into thinking that a company offers excellent customer service and then find themselves with no help after closing the deal.

This is the opposite of a retention strategy. In fact, all too often these customers quickly move on to competitors when making future purchasing decisions.

The goal of after-sales service is to demonstrate that a company values customer satisfaction, even after the purchase.

Sixty-six percent of B2B and 52% of B2C customers stop buying after a negative interaction with customer service. That's why a ticketing system is the best thing that after-sales service can offer customers and companies, as it enables efficient tracking and management of customer queries.

They are then better equipped to identify and address any problems they may have with your product or service. On the business side, a ticketing tool makes it possible to reduce the number of returns, refunds and negative reviews, something that can have a positive impact on the company's brand image.

But how do ticketing tools work? They streamline internal IT problem resolution for organizations by managing "tickets," which provide context and details about the issues, such as the category they belong to and relevant tags.

By issuing tickets to customers, they can easily and quickly report issues or request assistance with their purchase without having to navigate multiple communication channels (such as phone or email, social media, live chat, web forms and more). This way, customer service teams can easily assign and track issues, prioritize them, and resolve them in a timely manner.

In this post, you will learn how to extend the value of your CRM software to cover the functions of ticketing tools and turn a sporadic customer into a loyal brand advocate:

What is a ticketing tool?

This type of software in a CRM (or customer relationship management), is a system that allows customers to submit support or assistance requests and follow up on them. These requests or "tickets" can be submitted through various channels, such as email, telephone or an online form, and are usually assigned a unique number for easy tracking.

With ticketing tools, customer service managers can manage, assign and resolve tickets in a timely manner, and customers can check their status and receive updates.

Here's how a ticketing tool works in CRM:

A customer submits a support request via a form on the company's website. This generates a new ticket in the CRM ticketing tool.

The ticket is automatically assigned a unique number and sent to the appropriate customer service manager based on the nature of the request. The customer service manager then receives an email notification about the new ticket and can access the ticket details via the CRM user interface.

The manager responds to the customer's request and updates the ticket with any necessary information. The customer can log into the CRM customer portal and view the status of their ticket, as well as any updates or responses from the customer service manager.

Once the customer's request has been resolved, the customer service manager can mark the ticket as closed. The customer is notified of the closure and is given the option to rate the service provided and provide feedback. The agent can also reopen it if either party has any follow up to do.

The customer service team can use the feedback to improve the service provided and the ticketing tool also allows the data to be used to track the customer's history and interactions, which makes it possible to customize the service provided.

The CRM system also includes analytics and reporting, allowing the customer service team to track ticket volume, resolution time and customer satisfaction over time.

This is just one example of how a ticketing tool might work within a CRM solution, but the details will vary depending on the tool used.

Benefits of ticketing tool in your CRM

According to a survey conducted by Parature, disconnected systems impede ticket resolution: 42% of agents are unable to resolve customer queries due to outdated or disconnected systems.

Poor customer interaction and disconnected systems also generate negative turnover among customer service managers, with an annual average of 29%. In addition to being able to monitor your help desk, using a ticketing tool within a CRM has other benefits:

Improved customer support

With ticketing tools, customers can easily submit support requests and track the resolution of their issues. This improves communication so that customer service teams can provide timely and efficient support, leading to increased customer satisfaction.

Considering that 65% of new business leads come from referrals and that when someone recommends them, people are 4 times more likely to buy, existing customers are a key factor in acquiring new customers. But they will not recommend your business through positive word-of-mouth if they are not satisfied with your after-sales service.

Improved productivity through automation

With a ticketing tool, customer service teams can manage and prioritize large volumes of requests at once, rather than having to respond to each one individually.

When your team knows who is handling what, ticketing becomes easier. The automation capabilities of a CRM solution can work magic, especially in cases where there are a large number of tickets to handle at the same time.

With Efficy CRM, you can set up automation workflows to assign (so that the ticket is assigned to the most qualified agent on your team), categorize and prioritize tickets for customers so that your support team can resolve customer issues at a faster pace.

You can set up automatic notifications to respond to certain frequent inquiries that may be too repetitive for your help desk to answer manually.

Better tracking and reporting

Detailed information about customer interactions, such as the number of tickets received, response times and resolution rates, is collected in the ticketing tool. This data can be used to improve customer service and identify areas for improvement.

With a ticketing system in your CRM solution, you will also have enough data to prioritize tickets based on your business requirements. For example, place high-value customers at the top of your lists.

Efficy CRM has a dashboard where you can track customer interaction and key customer service metrics. This includes crucial data such as ticket resolution time, number of tickets generated and their success rate, and in-depth analysis of these reports to uncover customer pain points and adjust your strategy to address them.

Better collaboration and knowledge sharing

Imagine having to sift through the clutter of spreadsheets and email inboxes and then returning to the ticketing tool without having obtained enough information to manage a ticket.

With a CRM solution, the centralized system gives you all the complete details and context required to easily resolve complex customer issues in the ticketing tool, all without the hassle and silos of information.

Efficy's 360° customer view helps you get enough information about your customers before starting a conversation with them. Across all channels, you can see your customers' location, buying behavior, past interactions, history, preferences and other relevant data you need to interact more efficiently with customers and forge even stronger relationships with them.

Beyond ticketing with Efficy CRM

For companies looking for a more efficient way to build stronger, more meaningful relationships with customers, a CRM system is worth considering.

Not only will you leverage data, track customer interactions, monitor your answering service and streamline support processes, but you'll also reduce costs, as you won't have to invest in separate ticketing software.

But when it comes to adopting a CRM system, certain considerations come into play. For one, you need CRM software that adds context to conversations. Efficy CRM is packed with features that will help you leverage data to build stronger connections with customers before, during and after their tickets are resolved.

Efficy CRM gives you the ability to manage your support tickets without losing positions in sales, marketing and support functions. We've seen hundreds of tickets created and resolved for our European-based customers, most of which are companies just like yours. Want to see how? Click here to request your demo.
